Tag: Stephen SPAZ Schnee


HAIRCUT 100/Paint And Paint (Deluxe Edition) review!

MODERN ENGLISH/Take Me To The Trees review!
If your only encounter with Modern English is “I Melt With You,” then you need to sit down, kids, because there is more to this British outfit than meets the ear. The band’s moody and artsy Post-Punk beginnings were a perfect match for 4AD, the label that released their first three albums. However, by the second album, 1982’s AFTER THE SNOW, the band had matured and were writing better songs, moving away from their dark past and gaining a lot more confidence in the process. That second album contained some of their best moments to date including “Someone’s Calling,” “Life In The Gladhouse” and, of course, “I Melt With You.” The latter song became one of the tracks that truly defined the ‘80s and became a blessing and curse for the band. Modern English next album, RICOCHET DAYS, was nearly as good as AFTER THE SNOW but did not contain a hit like “I Melt With You” and the band found itself falling out of fashion. Another album – STOP START – came and went and the band split. Over the years, vocalist Robbie Grey and various line-ups of the band have recorded and toured as Modern English, even releasing some very fine albums along the way, In 2010, four of the five original members – Grey, Gary McDowell (guitar, vocals), Michael Conroy (bass, vocals) and Stephen Walker (keyboards – reunited for a few tours and received a hero’s welcome by fans. Seven years on, have finally delivered TAKE ME TO THE TREES, the first studio album since 1984’s RICOCHET DAYS to feature these four core members. While the band wisely continues to avoid attempting to re-write “I Melt With You,” they certainly haven’t lost the desire to re-explore dark places with melodic flair.

Pursuit Of Happiness), John Boutte and others – brings their own personality to the party, making each track feel different from the last. While Rundgren may be the name on the album cover, he allows every collaborator to make their presence known. Totally modern and relevant, WHITE KNIGHT still features Todd’s distinct musical thumbprint and is a pleasure from start to finish.

JUSTIN HAYWARD/Moving Mountains (reissue) reviewed!

FASTBALL: An EXCLUSIVE Q&A with Miles Zuniga
comprised of Miles Zuniga (vocals/guitar), Tony Scalzo (vocals/bass) and Joey Shuffeld (drums), Fastball has nothing left to prove. They’ve achieved everything that all bands strive for when they first get together – a record deal, tours, hits (1998’s “The Way” is their biggest so far) and respect. Now that they’ve been able to step away from the spotlight for eight years, they sound refreshed, focused and re-energized. But please don’t call STEP INTO LIGHT a comeback album. Comebacks are often desperate attempts at replenishing the bank
accounts by taking advantage of fans’ fond memories. Fastball is merely picking up the bat, taking a swing and knocking another one out of the park. STEP INTO LIGHT is a fantastic album that reminds people just how good this band has always been. In fact, it may be their most consistent full-length platter to date. The boys have a home run on their hands and they’ve left their contemporaries – new and old – in the dust. Again.

SAD LOVERS & GIANTS/Box set reviewed!